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Become an affiliate
Join the national federation and your local guild
Becoming an affiliate of the Federation is a way to support the work we're doing while allowing us to support you in your practice of medicine. Membership comes with a variety of benefits, detailed below. Thank you for considering joining us. We hope the Federation will add a lot of value to your ability to integrate your faith and work.
Diamond Affiliate
1,500$Every yearÂ- 50% off annual conference
- VIP thank you reception and gift at annual conference
- Opportunities for direct consultation with president
- Invitations to various educational events put on by CFCPS
Platinum Affiliate
1,000$Every yearÂ- 25% off annual conference
- VIP reception at annual conference
- Opportunities for consultation with the executive
- Invitations to various educational events put on by CFCPS
Gold Affiliate
500$Every yearÂ- VIP reception at annual conference
- Invitations to various educational events put on by CFCPS
Silver Affiliate
100$Every yearÂ- Invitations to various educational events put on by the CFCP
75$Every yearÂ- Retired physicians or non-physician friends can join us here
0$ÂFree Plan- Learners - stay connected with us by registering here!
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